Betty, Raymond,
Sam and Ed.

From the top down are Betty, Raymond,
Sam, Lavada and Lee.

Age 19.

Sam is standing, Lee is sitting. Taken in
August, 1975.

Sam and Leigh.

6-1/2 months old. Taken in 1941.

From left to right are Betty holding Lee,
then Lavada, Sam and Raymond.

In the front row are Lee, Lavada
and John Meyers. In the second row are Sam and Elizabeth Meyers.
In the third row are Geraldine Meyers, Alberta Meyers and Raymond.
In the very back is Betty.

Sam and Raymond.

Leigh, Sam, Betty
and Raymond. Taken in 1941.

Betty, Raymond,
Sam, Jewel and Leigh.
Taken on Sunday, March 8th, 1942.

Sitting on the couch are Raymond, Sam,
Stanley, an unknown kid, John, Cleo,
Ed and Thelma.
On the floor are an unknown man, Johnny, Lee
and Lavada.

Probably age 19.

Sam and his wife, Jean.

In the back row are Betty, Cleo,
Liz and Raymond. In the middle are Lavada
and Johnny. In front are Lee and Sam.

In the back row are Stanley (Skip),
Raymond, Ed,
Betty and Thelma.
In the front are Lavada, Sam and Lee.

Age 19.

Sam, Leigh and Raymond.

Taken in 1941.

Jewel holding a 6-1/2 month old Sam. Taken
in 1941.

Raymond, Sam and Betty.
The girl on the right is unknown.

Sam is standing, Lavada is sitting. Taken
June, 1958 at Thelma's house.

Sam, Raymond and Betty.

Sam, Raymond and Betty.

Raymond, Sam and Betty.

Lavada, Sam, Lee and Betty. Taken in 1955.

Annette, Sam Jr, Sam, Rena and Sam's Grandmother-in-law.

Lee and Sam.

The two boys being held are Raymond
and Sam.